Town of Cooleemee 4th of July Celebration

The Town of Cooleemee Independence Day celebration is Monday, July 4th 2022 and includes a parade, a Slip-n-Slide for the kids and free watermelon and ice pops.

Parade Information

The parade start time is 10:00 a.m. at Cooleemee Elementary School. The parade will end at Zachary House / Town Hall.

To be in the parade just come to the school around 9:00 a.m. to get lined up accordingly.

After the parade, stick around for more fun including:

  • Hot dogs and drinks for sale
  • Free watermelon and ice pops
  • Slip and slide for all ages to enjoy till 12:00 p.m.

If you have any questions about the parade or celebration activities, please contact town hall @336-284-2141 or email