Planning Board
One of the primary citizen boards that is critical to a local planning program is the planning board. Most North Carolina cities and counties have established a planning board made up of lay members appointed by the governing board. Many of the planning board’s duties and responsibilities are advisory. The planning board is generally given the responsibility for supervising the development of the comprehensive plan. It may arrange for and supervise the preparation of special studies, land use plans and policies, and drafts of ordinances. It may adopt plans and policies, advise the governing board on them, and recommend ordinances and methods of carrying out plans. In addition, the planning board generally has specific duties in connection with the zoning ordinance.
As described above, the planning board must provide a written recommendation to the governing board concerning whether a proposed zoning amendment is consistent with the comprehensive plan or any other officially adopted plan and any other matters deemed appropriate by the planning board. City and county planning boards must be granted a thirty-day opportunity in which to make a recommendation concerning any proposed amendment before the governing board may adopt the proposal.
Members of the Cooleemee Planning Board Are:
John Chandler ~ Chair
Daphne Beck ~ Vice Chair
Heather Cline ~ Secretary
Lela Ijames ~ Member
Jamie Lawhon ~ Member
Vacant ~ Alternate
Planning Board meets as necessary. Meetings are posted a week in advance on the Cooleemee bulletin board at the Shopping Center.