Cooleemee’s Old-Time Christmas Parade Brings Joy and Tradition Back
Cooleemee’s Old-Time Christmas and Parade came back to town while many enjoyed the festivities. Christmas candy was flying all over the street as children scampered around to grab what they could. Entries in the parade were filled with smiles and joyfulness as they gifted handfuls of candy to the visitors.
The Cooleemee Historical Association organized the event which included a fudge contest with 13 entries this year. Kathy Cook was so surprised she won because she stated she had never made fudge before. The Bridge Church located on Main Street was present again at the event handing out hot cocoa, candy, and more. Their involvement in any events held in Cooleemee always makes a huge difference and is greatly appreciated.

Pastor Justin Blue read the Christmas story from the Bible. The CHA made a lot of people happy by providing two fire pits to help warm up from the brisk cold air.
Women of the community baked homemade cakes that were sliced up for each person in line. A fresh cedar tree was cut and placed next to Mr. and Mrs. Claus which added to the ole time feel of Christmas.

Cedar trees were commonly cut down in the woods to supply families with a Christmas tree. Cooleemee’s First Baptist Church choir sang carols and it was wonderful to have a group of people spreading the joy of Christmas.

A big thank you to the CHA for bringing back a tradition that many have missed. Several people stated they didn’t know Cooleemee had anything like this gathering and they were sure to be back next year.

Feel free to contact me at or call 336.250.1133; I would love to hear from you. Relive the magic with these fabulous photos by KC Smith.