Garbage Collection
Garbage collection is provided to all town residents, along with a rollout container. The Town does not charge for garbage collection.
Garbage collection for residents inside the city limits is every Friday morning, and it is recommended that trash be placed curbside on Thursday evening.
Only one container per address is permitted.
Click the links to download the Republic Services Holiday Schedule or the Cooleemee Recycling Schedule.
Garbage and Recycling Guide
For convenient reference, download the Cooleemee Garbage and Recycling Guide and Calendar here.
Recycling is provided to all Town residents at no charge. Recycling is collected every other week on the same day as garbage collection. Please place your recyclable material in the recycle cart provided to all Town residents. Recycling must be placed curbside no later than 6 a.m. on the day of collection.
Only one container per address is permitted.
More Information
Cans must be removed from the side of the road and stored behind the house within 24 hours of pickup per the Town’s Code of Ordinances.
If you need a garbage or recycling cart, call Town Hall at 336-284-2141.
A state law banning the disposal of plastic bottles in landfills became effective Oct. 1, 2009. Plastic bottles and aluminum cans are items that must be recycled. The law does not apply to containers that are intended for use in the sale and distribution of motor oil or plastic pesticide bottles.
Items too large for bins may be taken to the Davie County Landfill located at 360 Dalton Road, Mocksville, NC.
For additional information, please contact Republic Services, Incorporated at 800-832-5439.
For Pesticide and Chemical Disposal, Please contact Phil at the Davie County Extension Office at 336-753-6100.
Items that can be recycled:
- Aerosol Spray Cans
- Aluminum Cans
- Aluminum Foil
- Aluminum Pie Tins
- Cardboard (flattened)
- Cereal Food Boxes (flattened)
- Glass Bottles
- Household Plastic 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
- Magazines
- Newspapers
- Paper
- Paperboard
- Phonebooks
- Steel or Tin Cans
Items that cannot be recycled:
- Plastic Bags (grocery, dry cleaning, etc)
- Food Waste
- Styrofoam Containers
- Wax Coated Cardboard
- Pizza Boxes
- Styrofoam
- Clothing and Shoes
- Batteries
- Electronics
- Yard Waste
- Scrap Metal
- Light Bulbs
- Window Glass, Mirrors
- Ceramics, Dishes
- Garden Hoses
- Oil Containers
- Hazardous Waste Containers
Electronics Banned in Landfills
In North Carolina, it is illegal to dispose of televisions and electronics, such as computers, printers, and video games, in the landfill. These items must be recycled for proper disposal.
Working electronics may be donated to Goodwill.
For more information on recycling options, contact Susan Hawkins with NC Cooperative Extension, Davie County Center, 336-753-6100.
Electronic Recycling Days
Davie County offers electronic recycling at the Davie County Convenience Center located at 360 Dalton Road, Mocksville, NC 27028.
- Saturday, January 25, 2025
- Saturday, April 26, 2025
- Saturday, July 26, 2025
- Saturday, October 25, 2025
The event will accept standard household/office environment electronics: computers, monitors, TVs, printers, phones, laptops, tablets, DVD players, cable boxes, toasters, curling irons, hairdryers, etc.
Davie County’s free electronic events are for the residents of Davie County only. Picture identification may be required. Electronics will only be accepted during the event between 8 a.m. until noon.
Electronic Recycling Days are from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on the last Saturday of the first month of each quarter.
Electronic items accepted:
- PCs, Hard Drives, Laptops
- Televisions
- Keyboards and Mice
- Servers
- Cell Phones and PDAs
- Video Games
- iPods and MP3 players
- Scanners
- Printers
- Copiers
- Typewriters
- Telephone Systems
- Rechargeable Batteries
- LCD monitors and TVs which have mercury bulbs
Items not accepted:
- Large appliances: washers, dryers, etc, the convenience site accepts these items, not the recycling vendors
- Items containing refrigerants: dehumidifiers, water coolers, etc.
- Items containing oil: oil-filled heaters
- Loose batteries (batteries contained within devices are ok)
- Items containing mercury: thermostats (we can accept LCD monitors and TVs which have mercury bulbs)
- Smoke detectors
- CDs, cassettes, and videotapes
Household Hazardous Waste & Landfill
Thanks to a new contract with Davie County, Davie residents can now take many items to 3RC in Winston-Salem for disposal at no cost to them. To find a complete list of accepted items and guidelines, visit the 3RC EnvrioStation website. Visit Earth 911 for a convenient search tool, or call 1-800-Cleanup to find recycling locations for a range of products.
The 3RC EnvrioStation is located at 1401 S Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive, Winston-Salem, NC 27101. The Davie County landfill is located at 360 Dalton Road.
For more information, contact Davie County Public Utilities at (336) 753-6090.