“Cooleemee has such a family atmosphere and everyone looks out for one another.”
—Agnes Lipnicki, parent
Founded in 1903, Cooleemee’s school is this community’s premier institution. It stresses academic achievement in a nurturing but disciplined atmosphere.
Cooleemee Elementary has achieved status as one of North Carolina’s “School of High Growth” for the last two years. It has made “Adequate Yearly Progress” for two years running. CES has been recognized in the state as a “Model School for Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports” system.
CES is equipped with the most up-to-date technology including “Smart Boards” and a computer lab with sixty workstations for students. In their computer lab, students utilize the SuccessMaker program through which they move forward at their own individual levels in reading and math.
The school’s outstanding Media Center provides not only books but videos and other exciting materials that pique intellectual curiosity. It is adorned by huge original artist murals with scenes that stimulate imagination and invite learning.
Teachers and staff shower the children with love and education. Community support for the school is extremely active, with many volunteers who individually tutor students and a very active PTA. The school is located within walking and biking distance from many homes. Physical Education is part of the curriculum. Some of the many extracurricular activities offered: “The Broadcast Team”,“ Girls on the Run”, Chorus and Robotics.
Need to Know
Principal – Angela Burgess
Assistant Principal – Emily Moore
Grades PreK-5th: 448 students
Classroom teachers: 25
Total staff: 73
Phone: (336) 284-2581
Fax: (336) 284-6618
Location: 136 Marginal Street, Cooleemee NC 27014
Mailing address: PO Box 128, Cooleemee, NC 27014
A Unique Education Experience
A unique history program is offered to CES students, conducted in collaboration with the Cooleemee Historical Association. The town’s two museums, RiverPark and other sites become “classrooms” for the “Discovering Our Heritage Kids Project”. Beginning with Pre-K children, each year offers each grade a different lesson about Cooleemee people’s past. Each new lesson builds upon the last, helping young scholars build a mental timeline, learn valued traditions and essential facts of their hometown. This award-winning program has been recognized by the UNC-Chapel Hill School of Education http://www.learnnc.org/lp/pages/2302.