My Friend Grimes “Bimmy” Parker
My friend, Grimes “Bimmy” Parker, passed away recently, and I can’t bring him back. Early Monday morning, before I was about to jump in the shower before leaving to care for our granddaughter, my husband said my name in a way I knew something was wrong. “Bimmy passed...
Dancing the Afternoon Away – Cooleemee Elementary School Celebrated Valentine’s with a Dance
Cooleemee Elementary School had the gym popping with vibrations of music, twirling, jumping, and laughter, for it was the special time to celebrate Valentine’s Day. Hot pizza was brought in, and boy, did it smell good! Candy and snacks were available for the...
Walk, Pick up Trash, and Meet Your Neighbors – Join Cooleemee’s New Plawking Group
Getting exercise and making new friends while cleaning up the community. Join Cooleemee’s plawking group. (L to R) Keziah Martin, Joey Shore, Tangela Dalton, Lela Ijames, Josh Ijames On Sunday, February 4th, there was a lot of plawking (picking up trash while...
Apply By February 16th to Serve on the ABC Board
The Town of Cooleemee is seeking someone to complete Mayor Jeff Smith’s term on the ABC Board. Pick up an application at Town Hall or email Town Clerk Steve Corriher at Deadline to apply is February 16th at 3...
Exciting Changes Ahead for Cooleemee
2024 promises to be an exciting year for the Town of Cooleemee. Mayor Jeff Smith and the Town Board are initiating new ways to include and inform town residents. Play a Role in Cooleemee’s Future The Town Board is forming volunteer committees to allow...
Steven Corriher Appointed Cooleemee Town Clerk/Finance Officer
Cooleemee’s Board of Commissioners appointed Steven Corriher as town clerk/finance officer during its board meeting on December 21st. He has been serving as interim clerk since August. Corriher brings a wealth of experience to the role, having previously served as...
A New Year Message From Cooleemee Mayor Jeff Smith
Happy New Year As 2023 winds down, I’m sure we all have experienced good and tough times during the year, but I hope that the good outnumbered the tough. Every year brings its own challenges, but the new year always brings new hopes. I look forward to working with the...
Come One, Come All: Cooleemee Christmas Parade Saturday, December 16th!
The Town of Cooleemee will host its annual Christmas parade at 2 p.m. on Saturday, December 16th. The parade will begin at Cooleemee Elementary School at 136 Marginal Street and end at the Zachary House at 131 Church Street. Families will gather on the grounds of the...
Autumn Harvest Night in Cooleemee
On September 29th, Cooleemee’s Historical Association partnered with Davie County Public Library to provide a movie night for the community. An animated Spider-Man movie, popcorn, games, and other refreshments were enjoyed by all. The Bridge Church in...
Ducks on Sale Now! – Don’t Miss the Great Bullhole Duck Race & Family Festival on August 5th
What is small, yellow, and floats? If you said a rubber ducky floating down the South Yadkin River, you would be correct! Hundreds of rubber ducks will take a plunge into the South Yadkin near the Cooleemee dam on Saturday, August 5th, at 1 p.m. sharp. The first...
Cooleemee Egg Hunt Fun for All Despite the Rain
(L to R) Mayor Jessica Almond, Commissioner Jeannie Taylor, Helen Daywalt, Town Clerk Aaron Thies Cooleemee’s Easter egg hunt on Saturday, April 8th, was cold, rainy, and wet. Understandably, many children stayed home where itwas warm and dry, but the ones who were...
Cooleemee Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 8th
Get your Easter basket ready! Cooleemee will host its annual Easter egg hunt at the Zachary House on Saturday, April 8th, 2023, at 10 a.m. SHARP. This event is for children 0-10, and there will be prizes for everyone. The Easter Bunny will be on hand for...
Cooleemee Park Gets New Playground Equipment
Students from Cooleemee Elementary School enjoy the upgrades at Cooleemee Park. With a new playset and fresh mulch, Cooleemee Park is getting a facelift. The playset, purchased with a grant from Davie County Recreation & Parks, replaces an outdated...
Cooleemee Commissioners Provide Statement About Cooleemee Police Department
Press release 12-20-2022 On Monday, December 19th the Town of Cooleemee Commissioners made the difficult decision by unanimous vote to dissolve the Cooleemee Police Department and to enter into a 2 ½ year contract with the Davie County Sheriff’s Department to...
Cooleemee’s Christmas Parade – December 17 at 2 p.m.
Cooleemee’s Christmas parade is back again this year. Come out on December 17th at 2 p.m. to join in the fun. The lineup will begin at 1 p.m. at Cooleemee Elementary School, and everyone is welcome to participate; no pre-registration is required. Pictures With Santa...
Cooleemee Halloween 2022
Celebrate Halloween On Halloween evening, Monday, October 31, 2022, the town will be giving out candy beginning at 5 p.m. at the Zachary House located at 131 Church Street in Cooleemee, NC. Don’t miss fun games and the cake walk! Download and print this flyer to...
Grimes Parker Basketball Camp
After a two year COVID hiatus, it felt great to be back on the courts for the Grimes Parker Basketball Camp. Approximately 25 campers participated with about 10 no shows. The camp was held for 3 days, June 14th – 16th. Times were held from 9:00 till 12:00 with a 10...
2022 Cooleemee Duck Race
The annual Duck Race was held on Saturday, August 6th, 2022. Attendance seemed to be down a bit compared to past years, but enough tickets were sold to fill up the tractor bucket. The three winners were: Tom Comadoll first place, Zachary Baker bought the last ticket...
Ducks on Sale Now – Great Bullhole Duck Race on Saturday, August 6th
What is small, yellow, and races? If you said a rubber ducky floating down the South Yadkin River, you would be correct! Great Bullhole Duck Race organizers hope that 1500 of them will plunge into the South Yadkin near the Cooleemee dam on Saturday, August 6th at...
Last Day of School
The fifth graders at Cooleemee School were honored with a grand walk through of students on both sides of the walkway, who were clapping, cheering, blowing horns, bubbles were floating in the air, special posters were held high with shouts of goodbyes to the end. The...
Town of Cooleemee 4th of July Celebration
The Town of Cooleemee Independence Day celebration is Monday, July 4th 2022 and includes a parade, a Slip-n-Slide for the kids and free watermelon and ice pops. Parade Information The parade start time is 10:00 a.m. at Cooleemee Elementary School. The parade will end...