Clerk’s Corner – Summer 2024
Welcome to the Clerk’s Corner – Summer 2024 Edition
Check back each month for new updates from the Town of Cooleemee’s Clerk and Finance Officer, Steven Corriher.
July 4th Parade
We are about to start advertising for the July 4th Parade as it is planned for 10 a.m. on Thursday, July 4, starting at the school and ending at the Zachary House. If you or someone you know would like to help, enter, or watch, please make sure to join us. Also, if you see the posting on Facebook please share, share, share, we know not much talk of it has taken place at the moment, but other big things are in the works, and I have almost run short on time in preparation for this event. But we will have it!
Community Center
We have received a $1 million grant to aid with the construction of a new Community Center. Current plans are that the building will hold the Town Hall, Town Meetings, and the Davie County Library Cooleemee Branch, which will be relocated from the Shopping Center. The building will have a small Kitchen and a room available for rent with the use of that kitchen. We hope to add a small exercise room that perhaps will hold a few treadmills, a bike or two, and at least one workout machine for some weight training. We hope this Center is just the start and will grow in the coming years, adding bigger and even better things in and around the Center!
Code Enforcement
Being a big topic here in Town the past little while we have a contract that will be on the agenda in June for approval, we are very hopeful this will be started back up by July 1, 2024, and in full swing. We do ask that you bear with us, and the contractor selected to perform these duties as we get started back up in that division.
Town Board Meetings
The next town board meeting is June 17 at 6:00 p.m. at the Zachary House, 131 Church St.
A Public Hearing for the budget will be set for June 24, 2024, before the full approval of the Towns 24/25 budget, which is expected the same night.
However, the Budget Message and Budget Ordinance are available here at Town Hall for viewing, The Ordinance numbers are subject to change between now and the June 24, meeting.
Mobile Recreation Day
Davie County Recreation and Parks will host a mobile recreation day at the Zachary House in Cooleemee on June 26 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Please bring your kids or grandkids to enjoy the free fun.
As always, thank you all for your contributions to the Town. I hope to see you all on Monday, June 17, at the meeting and to see everyone on July 4 at 10 a.m. for the July 4th Parade.
If you need anything, email or call 336-284-2141. Our hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., and we are usually closed between 1:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. for lunch and errands.
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