Category: Summer Activities

Clerk’s Corner – Summer 2024

Welcome to the Clerk’s Corner – Summer 2024 Edition

Check back each month for new updates from the Town of Cooleemee’s Clerk and Finance Officer, Steven Corriher.

July 4th Parade

We are about to start advertising for the July 4th Parade as it is planned for 10 a.m. on Thursday, July 4, starting at the school and ending at the Zachary House. If you or someone you know would like to help, enter, or watch, please make sure to join us. Also, if you see the posting on Facebook please share, share, share, we know not much talk of it has taken place at the moment, but other big things are in the works, and I have almost run short on time in preparation for this event. But we will have it!

Community Center

We have received a $1 million grant to aid with the construction of a new Community Center. Current plans are that the building will hold the Town Hall, Town Meetings, and the Davie County Library Cooleemee Branch, which will be relocated from the Shopping Center. The building will have a small Kitchen and a room available for rent with the use of that kitchen. We hope to add a small exercise room that perhaps will hold a few treadmills, a bike or two, and at least one workout machine for some weight training. We hope this Center is just the start and will grow in the coming years, adding bigger and even better things in and around the Center!

Code Enforcement

Being a big topic here in Town the past little while we have a contract that will be on the agenda in June for approval, we are very hopeful this will be started back up by July 1, 2024, and in full swing. We do ask that you bear with us, and the contractor selected to perform these duties as we get started back up in that division.  

Town Board Meetings

The next town board meeting is June 17 at 6:00 p.m. at the Zachary House, 131 Church St. 

A Public Hearing for the budget will be set for June 24, 2024, before the full approval of the Towns 24/25 budget, which is expected the same night. 

However, the Budget Message and Budget Ordinance are available here at Town Hall for viewing, The Ordinance numbers are subject to change between now and the June 24, meeting.

Mobile Recreation Day

Davie County Recreation and Parks will host a mobile recreation day at the Zachary House in Cooleemee on June 26 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Please bring your kids or grandkids to enjoy the free fun.

As always, thank you all for your contributions to the Town. I hope to see you all on Monday, June 17, at the meeting and to see everyone on July 4 at 10 a.m. for the July 4th Parade.

If you need anything, email or call 336-284-2141. Our hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., and we are usually closed between 1:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. for lunch and errands. 

Keep up with the Latest News

Join the Town’s new contact list to receive the latest news right in your inbox! Stop by Town Hall or email your phone number and/or preferred email address to Don’t forget to follow on Facebook so you don’t miss a moment of summer fun!

Ducks on Sale Now! – Don’t Miss the Great Bullhole Duck Race & Family Festival on August 5th 

What is small, yellow, and floats? If you said a rubber ducky floating down the South Yadkin River, you would be correct!

Hundreds of rubber ducks will take a plunge into the South Yadkin near the Cooleemee dam on Saturday, August 5th, at 1 p.m. sharp.

The first numbered duck to reach the finish line downriver will win its “owner” a cash prize of $300. The 2nd place winner will garner its ticket-buyer $200, and the 3rd place finisher will win $100. That’s something worth quacking about!

This year’s Great Bullhole Duck Race, which runs from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.,  marks the 13th anniversary of the RiverPark at Cooleemee Falls’s annual summer fundraiser.  Proceeds from the race support the ongoing operations of the park, aka The Bullhole, to ensure the park is clean and safe for visitors to enjoy. 

“RiverPark at Cooleemee Falls, “The Bullhole,” has become a beautiful destination for our local community and visitors throughout the region.  A place that gives you an aesthetically pleasing escape and the best of both mountain and coastal worlds combined,” said Paul Moore, director of Davie County Recreation & Parks and chair of the RiverPark Board. “Unlike many fundraisers, 100% of proceeds from this event go directly back to RiverPark.  The event is fun, interactive, and filled with anticipation.  If you have a single duck, a fire-quacker pack of ducks, or a flock of ducks in the race, you know exactly what excitement I’m talking about.  Purchase your ticket(s) today or at the event.  Bring your beach chairs, blankets, umbrellas, and duck tubes, and spend a fantabulous day with us at RiverPark!” 

Bullhole Duck Race at RiverPark at Cooleemee Falls - Race and Family Festival Poster with Yellow Duck

Come Out and Enjoy the Whole Day!

There will be fun games for the kids before and after the race, and music and dancing for all to enjoy. Food and sweets will be available for purchase. 

Adopt a Duck Today for Only $10

There’s only one way to win those cash prizes in the Duck Race, You have to buy a ticket. Single Duck tickets are $10 each, a “Firequacker” of five sells for $40, or you can purchase a “Flock” of fifteen for $100.

Buy Your Duck Tickets Today!

Tickets are available at the Davie County Chamber of Commerce, Cooleemee Town Hall, and Davie County Community Park. Duck tickets will also be sold until 12:45 pm at RiverPark.

The RiverPark board is grateful for the sponsors who are helping to make this event possible:  

Davie Discount Drug, GNC, Yadkin Path Montessori, Phil Car Automotive, Lori Schilkowski Realtor, Snow Biz, Bank of the Ozarks, Main Street Brokers, Tar Heel Landworks LLC, Mocksville TDA, The Fish Bowl, Emergency Music Services, Davie County Tourism, Ink It Promotions, O’Neal Lawncare, and Thos Smart & Co LLC.

RiverPark is located at the end of Erwin Temple Church Road (just ½ mile from Cooleemee off Hwy 801 & Needmore Road). For up-to-date information, follow RiverPark at Cooleemee Falls on Facebook

 If you love the Bullhole, show your support!

Grimes Parker Basketball Camp

After a two year COVID hiatus, it felt great to be back on the courts for the Grimes Parker Basketball Camp. Approximately 25 campers participated with about 10 no shows. The camp was held for 3 days, June 14th – 16th. Times were held from 9:00 till 12:00 with a 10 minute break in between.

Compared to past years of the camp, the days and times were scaled down including receiving a basketball, t-shirt and a backpack this year. Changes were made but the quality of the coaching and teachings remained the same, which is the main element of a good basketball camp.

Having different coaches each day gave the campers different styles of learning the same basics of the game. Parker’s family is in full support of the camp and their presence each day makes a huge difference. The coaches has have solidified their devotion to the annual event by saying they will always be there to keep the important camp going.

A big thank you goes out to Russell Hilton for his unending support of the gym and making sure things run smoothly. Shelia Taylor and other volunteers helping with checking in the camper and organizing the snacks each day are an integral part of the day. Jan Coleman never fails to be there each year to manage the restrooms and things must always run smoothly because she never asks for anything.

To all the other volunteers, your presence is appreciated and we want to thank you for taking the time out of your day to be there.

Feel free to contact me by 336-250-1133 or